(Natural Products and Bioprospecting)
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NPB网站荟萃自本刊创刊以来发表的全部文章,是一个集信息发布、网刊发布管理、互动交流等多项功能于一体的服务平台。读者可以通过网站免费浏览或下载当期及过刊全文;作者可以通过“Submit Online”栏目实现在线投稿、查稿。今后网站将不断丰富内容、完善运行方式以确保信息更新及时、便于获取。
Contact the journal
Submission-related enquiries
about submission issues, peer review process, or the status of your
manuscript should be sent to Aishah Fazil
Production-related enquiries
about accepted manuscripts in production or post-publication
corrections should be sent to Remya Ganesan
Rights and Permissions enquiries
permission requests to reuse or reprint content, please follow the link
‘Rights and permissions’ on the relevant article page. For other
queries, contact journalpermissions@springernature.com.
Publication-related enquiries
Queries related to journal publishing should be sent to Maggie Zhang (maggie.zhang@springernature.com).
Instructions for Authors – Natural Products and Bioprospecting
you for your interest in Natural Products and Bioprospecting. Please
read the complete Instructions for Authors carefully prior to
Products and Bioprospecting serves as the international forum for
essential research on natural products and focuses on, but is not
limited to, the following aspects:
Natural products: isolation and structure elucidation
Natural products: synthesis
Biological evaluation of biologically active natural products
Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry
Biosynthesis and microbiological transformation
Fermentation and plant tissue cultures
Bioprospecting of natural products from natural resources
research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous
peer review. In addition to original research articles, Natural Products
and Bioprospecting publishes reviews and short communications, aiming
to rapidly disseminate the research results of timely interest, and
comprehensive reviews of emerging topics in all the areas of natural
products. It is also an open access journal, which provides free access
to its articles to anyone, anywhere.
Products and Bioprospecting is a fully open access journal. All
articles accepted for publication will be published under a CC-BY
license. The Article Processing Charge is currently covered by Kunming
Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Table of Content
I. Types of Manuscripts
II. Submission Online
III. Manuscript Preparation
1. Format and Style
2. Manuscript Structure
IV. Editorial Procedure
V. After Acceptance
VI. Open Access and Article Processing Charge
VII. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
I. Types of Manuscript
The Journal publishes Reviews, Regular Articles, and Short Communications.
1. Reviews: (1) Regular Reviews: Describing the research results of the author; (2) Invited Reviews:
Reviews are submitted by invitation from the editorial board, and encompass recent important scientific discoveries.
Regular Articles: The manuscript being submitted must consist of
original research performed by the authors and the research must include
new information that is of significance.
Short Communications: Papers containing new facts and important data
derived from incomplete or partial studies may be suitable as a Short
Communications. In general, a Short Communications should not exceed
2,000 words (approximately 4 printed pages).
II. Submit Online
1. Manuscript Submission
of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published
before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere
else; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any,
as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at
the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will
not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for
2. Permissions
wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already
been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the
copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include
evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their
papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to
originate from the authors.
3. Online Submission
follow the hyperlink “Submit online” on the right and upload all of
your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.
Format and Style
(1) Text Format
Manuscripts should be submitted in Word.
- Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 10-point Times Roman) for text.
- Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
- Do not use field functions.
- Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
- Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
- Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.
- Save your file in docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or doc format (older Word versions).
(2) Headings
Please use the decimal system of headings with no more than three levels.
(3) Abbreviations
should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
Please limit to an absolute minimum the use of abbreviations in the
title. However, the following need not to be defined:
(adenosine 5'-diphosphate), AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome),
AMP (adenosine 5'- monophosphate or adenylic acid), ATP (adenosine
5'-triphosphate), cAMP (adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate), cDNA
(complementary DNA), CoA (coenzyme A), DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), ED50
(50% effective dose), ESR (electron spin resonance), FABMS (fast atom
bombardment mass spectrometry), FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide), GCMS
(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry), GLC (gas-liquid chromatography),
GMP (guanosine 5'-monophosphate), HPLC (high-performance liquid
chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography), IC50 (inhibitory
concentration, 50%), IR (infrared), LC (liquid chromatography), LC/MS
(liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry), LD50 (50% lethal dose), mRNA
(messenger RNA), MS (mass spectrum), NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance),
P450 (as in cytochrome P450), RNA (ribonucleic acid), TLC (thin-layer
chromatography), tRNA (transfer RNA), UV (ultraviolet)
(4) Affiliations
there are two or more authors and they belong to more than one
affiliation, the connection between each author and his or her
affiliation should be indicated by a, b, c… placed after each author’s
name and before each affiliation.
Examples for describing affiliations and mailing addresses:
State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West
China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming
650201, China
b. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
(5) Units
following units should be used: length (m, cm, mm, μm, nm, Å), mass
(kg, g, mg, μg, ng, pg, mol, mmol, μmol), volume (L, mL, μL), time (s,
min, h, d), temperature (°C, K), radiation (Bq, dpm, Gy, Sv), and
concentration (M, mM, mol/L, mmol/L, mg/mL, μg/mL, %, % (v/v), % (w/v),
ppm, ppb)