《医疗社会史研究》(International Medical Historical Review) 创刊于2016年6月,由上海大学历史学系主办,社会科学文献出版社出版。集刊每年两辑,分别于6月、12月出版,设有“专题论文”“档案选编”“学术述评”“学术书评”等栏目,并邀请相关领域的专家学者担任特约主编组织特定专题联缀各文。
Walter Bruchhausen, “ Medicine between Religious Worlds: The Mission Hospitals of South-East Tanzania during the 20th Century,” in Mark Harrison,Margaret Jones, and Helen Sweet, eds. , From Western Medicine to Global Medicine: The Hospital Beyond the West, Hyderabad: Orient Black Swan, 2009,pp. 262 - 293.
Richard Brown, “ Public Health in Imperialism: Early Rockefeller Programs at Home and Abroad,” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 66,No. 9 ( Sep. 1976) , p. 897.
“ Telegram from the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York to the Secretary of Department of State, July 7, 1970,” RG 59 Central Foreign Policy Files, 1970 - 1973, SOC 11 - 5, Box 3018, National Archives,College Park, MD.