Authors should kindly note that submission implies (i) that the content has not been published previously, in any language, in whole or in part, except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium; and (ii) that the manuscript is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with the Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at
The submission system will prompt authors to use an ORCID iD (a unique author identifier) to help distinguish their work from that of other researchers. Click here to find out more.
We look forward to your submission.
PsyCh Journal, China's first international psychology journal, publishes peer reviewed research articles, research reports and integrated research reviews spanning the entire spectrum of scientific psychology and its applications. PsyCh Journal is the flagship journal of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences – the only national psychology research institute in China – and reflects the high research standards of the nation.
Launched in 2012, PsyCh Journal is devoted to the publication of advanced research exploring basic mechanisms of the human mind and behavior, and delivering scientific knowledge to enhance understanding of culture and society. Towards that broader goal, the Journal will provide a forum for academic exchange and a “knowledge bridge” between China and the World, by showcasing high-quality, cutting-edge research related to the science and practice of psychology both within and outside of China.
PsyCh Journal features original articles, of both empirical and theoretical research in scientific psychology and interdisciplinary sciences, across all levels, from molecular, cellular and system, to individual, group and society. The journal also publishes evaluative and integrative review papers on any significant research contribution in any area of scientific psychology. A third category of submission is for short communications, which promotes concept-oriented rather than data-driven submissions in a brief format that can be published within a short span from the time of receipt.
The journal accepts full length Original Articles, Research Reports, Review and Short Communications.
Short Communications - Length requirements
The following elements of Short Communications are subject to the limits as noted on length (if these are not followed, the ensuing main text word length will be diminished to compensate).
--Title: Limit to 70 characters to stay within one line in the published format.
--Abstract: Limit to 340 characters to stay within three lines in the published format.
--Keywords: Limit to 112 characters to stay within one line in the published format.
--References: Limit to 8 items (fewer if including lengthy items with translated titles, etc.).
The main text should have no internal headings, and the guidelines for the approximate maximum length are as follows: with no visual element, 1,140 words; with a visual element (table or figure), the maximum is 1,140 – (approximately) 8.6 words per line of single-column text lost to the visual item. No supplementary materials will be allowed for Short Communications.