《理论与应用分析通讯》(Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis,以下简称CPAA)系于2002年创刊、由美国数学科学研究所和上海交通大学数学科学学院联合主办的国际数学学术期刊,其刊号是《ISSN 1534-0392》,每年出版一卷,每卷4期 ;自2008年起,增加为每卷6期。自2020年起,增加为每卷12期。
该期刊已于2003年初被美国列入SCIE源杂志;2005年被Science Citation Index-Expanded收录;另外,CPAA还被Research Alert, CompuMath Citation Index (CMCI), Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES)等收录。
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Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis publishes original research papers of the highest quality in all the major areas of analysis and its applications, with a central theme on theoretical and numeric PDEs. A more detailed indication of its scope is given by the subject interests of the members of the Board of Editors. Invited expository articles are also published from time to time.
Review Procedures All papers will undergo a thorough peer review unless the subject matter of the paper does not fit the Journal; in this case, the author will be informed promptly. Every effort will be made to secure a decision in two months and to publish accepted papers within six months.
Manuscripts should be in English and submitted online in pdf format. One or two editors whose areas are closely related to the paper should be selected in the submission process. Articles may not fit the journal well if no proper editors can be selected.
Line Numbers If your document was prepared using LaTeX, please add \usepackage[pagewise]{lineno}\linenumbers to the preamble, as a courtesy to referees who may wish to provide detailed feedback.
Citations (1) Each citation and reference in your manuscript must play an essential role. (2) An explanation for each reference must be clearly integrated into the narrative of your manuscript. (3) Do not cite any reference if your paper is not affected without it.
Submission of a manuscript is a representation that the work has not been previously published, has not been copyrighted, is not being submitted for publication elsewhere, and indicates that its submission has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out. Furthermore, submission indicates that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation, and that the authors have agreed that the copyright in the article shall be assigned exclusively to the publisher upon acceptance of the article. The manuscript will not be returned.
Manuscripts style Number each page. Page 1 should contain the title, author's names and complete affiliations. Place any footnotes to the title at the bottom of Page 1. Each paper requires an abstract not exceeding 200 words summarizing the techniques, methods, and main conclusions of the paper. AMS subject classifications must accompany all articles, placed at the bottom of Page 1. E-mail addresses of all authors should be placed at the end of the paper. Each paper requires a running head (abbreviated form of the title) of no more than 40 characters.
Equations should be centered with the number placed in parentheses at the right margin.
Figures should be in eps format or otherwise drafted in high resolution and high contrast on separate pieces of white paper in a form suitable for photographic reproduction and reduction.
References should be listed alphabetically, typed, and punctuated according to the following examples:
S. N. Chow and J. K. Hale, "Methods of Bifurcation Theory," Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.
J. Serrin, Gradient estimates for solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations, in "Contributions to Nonlinear Functional Analysis" (ed. E.H. Zarantonello), Academic Press (1971).
S. Smale, Stable manifolds for differential equations and diffeomorphisms, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., 18 (1963), 97--116.
For journal abbreviations used in bibliographies, consult the list of serials in the latest Mathematical Reviews annual index.
Manuscripts typeset using AmSTeX (amsppt) or AmS-LaTeX (amsart) can move much more quickly through the production process, hence these two TeX forms are strongly recommended to authors for preparing their manuscripts.
Contributions to this journal are published free of charge.
Please also note CPAA does not offer reprints.
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