Manuscripts should be in English and submitted online in PDF format. To speed up the refereeing and publication processes, all transactions and communications between the journal and the authors will be done electronically. All received submissions will be acknowledged.
Manuscripts can be submitted at this site: Submit
Contributions to this journal are published free of charge.
Submission checklist
You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.
Ensure that the following items are present:
All Author(s)
o First and last names
o Email addresses
o Postal addresses
One of the authors has been designated as the corresponding author.
All necessary files have been uploaded:
• Title and running title
• Author's names and complete affiliations
• Keywords and 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
• All figures (include relevant captions)
• All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
• Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
• All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa
Page Limit Policy
All submissions are not limited in length, but the content in the submissions must be kept concise and not redundant, so as not to affect the interest of reviewers and readers in reading them.
Submission Policy and Copyright
Submission of a manuscript is a representation that the work has not been previously published, has not been copyrighted, is not being submitted for publication elsewhere, and that its submission has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out. Furthermore, submission indicates that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation, and that the authors have agreed that the copyright in the article shall be assigned to the publisher upon acceptance of the article.
It is required authors of articles to provide a full Transfer of Copyright to Shandong University and the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (both shall henceforth be known as “Publisher”). The signed Transfer of Copyright gives the Publisher the permission to publish the Work, and grants the Publisher the exclusive right to reproduce the Work, or any part of the Work, in print, electronic and all other media in any form. It also gives the Author broad rights of fair use.
2. Review Process
The manuscript submission and peer review process breaks down as follows:
1. The Author submits a manuscript.
2. The Editor-in-Chief assigns an Associate Editor to handle the review of the manuscript.
3. The Associate Editor selects Referees to review and report on the manuscript.
4. The Referees review the manuscript.
5. The Associate Editor makes a recommendation, which is then reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief. The author is contacted.
3. Product Process
If a manuscript is accepted, the editorial office will send the format request to the author via mail. The authors will modify the format of the accepted manuscript via the online peer review system, and send in the electronic files (the (La) TeX or Word files and Pdf file of the whole manuscript. The copy editors will modify the language expression and other contents, and send the modification comments to the author for confirmation until all revisions to the article have been completed. Final, the editorial office will contact authors by e-mail when the PDF proof of articles are ready. After the author confirms that this is the final version of the article and signs the copyright transfer agreement, the article will be published soon.
4 Reprints
The journal does not offer reprints.
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