经过近两年的筹划和努力,2022年8月14日,由郑州大学商学院主办的经济类国际学术期刊Innovation and Green Development (ISSN: 2949-7531)创刊,线上投稿系统正式开放。
当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,推动低碳转型、实现绿色创新发展已成为国际社会普遍共识。Innovation and Green Development旨在汇聚全球智慧,促进全球科学研究开放合作,共同应对全人类面临的时代挑战,把人类可持续发展的崇高事业推向前进。Innovation and Green Development期刊由商学院主办,郑州大学为主管单位和期刊所有权人,国际著名出版集团Elsevier担任出版商,采用国际化、高起点办刊模式。Innovation and Green Development以研究创新和绿色发展重大理论和实践问题为主攻方向,立足全球经济绿色转型实际,聚焦科技与制度创新、环境政策、绿色市场、绿色金融、碳排放等领域,挖掘规律性经济现象,发表具有原创性的经济学成果,推动知识创新、理论创新、方法创新,力争成为具有中国特色、郑大标签的国际一流经济类期刊,为全球经济绿色发展和经济学理论研究贡献力量。
创办Innovation and Green Development也是服务于学校经济与商业一流学科建设、推动教育和科研国际化的有益探索,是积极应对国内外科研评价体系变化、把握学术评价话语权的前瞻性谋划,将有力推动学科交叉融合和原始创新,提升学校国际影响力。
Given the increasingly severe issues of environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, climate change, etc., the world must move towards a sustainable development approach, and issues including technological innovation, green governance and environmental protection are the keys to achieving this ambition. The demand, supply and power generation of fossil energy have led to various environmental challenges, which makes it necessary for us to update processes and products to realize innovation. The improvement of innovation for green development requires the support of relative policies. Innovation and Green Development attempts to publish both theoretical and empirical papers to advance our understanding and provide novel insights into environmental policies and green innovation broadly defined for achieving sustainable goals.
Therefore, this journal will mainly focus on the following areas:
Innovation, such as the improvements of environment-related technologies and climate change adaptation technologies.
Environment Policies include government policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and support the development and deployment of renewables and other clean energy technologies.
Green marketing and green finance, such as green financing policies; energy market financialization; government green subsidies; green investment, etc.
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG), for example regulatory reforms and policy changes; green financial instruments and investment strategies; and climate-related financial disclosure.
Topics related to carbon emissions, carbon neutrality, carbon negative, etc.
Types of article
Full length articles provide the main content of the journal. Papers should demonstrate rigorous approaches to research and new knowledge creation, be well organised and written in clear English. The style of paper can be as a research article or as an essay demonstrating critical reasoning, scholarship and a clear contribution to knowledge in the field. The recommended length of articles is around 8,000 words (range of 6,000-10,000), giving sufficient space for a rigorous approach without superfluous material. See also section on Article Structure.
Review articles are intended for research that contributes to knowledge to sustainable development and innovations from a critical analysis of extant publications. Papers should demonstrate rigorous scholarship and research, be well organised and written in clear English. The recommended length of such articles is 5,000-8,000 words. See also section on Article Structure.
Please ensure that you select the appropriate article type from the list of options when making your submission. Authors contributing to special issues should ensure that they choose the specific SI short title in the "Article Type" drop-down menu during the submission process.